Proxy for stock market development

When the stock market capitalisation is used as a proxy for stock market development, the economic growth is found to Granger-cause stock market development. However, when the stock market traded value and the stock market turnover are used, the stock market development seems to Granger-cause economic growth. proxy by Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) while stock market development measures considered include; Market Capitalization (MCAP), Turn Over Ratio (TR), Total Value of Share Traded (VLT), and All Share Index

This study examined the impact of the Nigerian Stock market development on the nation's economic growth from 1985 to 2014. The economic growth was proxy  Nurudeen, Abu (2009): Does Stock Market Development Raise Economic real GDP as a proxy of economic growth; while the proxies for the stock exchange  7 Nov 2013 1.1.4 Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in the Kenyan shortfall with this measure as proxy to stock market liquidity in that  III proxies for stock market development can be used to make a general inference of a positive long- run relationship between the development of the JSE and  This model has been enhanced to incorporate other economic and financial variables such as financial sector development (proxy by stock market development  of privatization does not account for much of the growth in local stock markets. development proxies such as market capitalization, traded value and excess 

16 feb 2018 To measure the relationship, OMX Affärsvärlden General Index (AFGX) is used as proxy for stock market development and net FDI inflow is 

The present study is an effort to establish the empirical relationship between stock market development and economic growth in Pakistan. Three proxies namely  growth, and market capitalization ratio (MCR) is used as a proxy for stock market development. The results of this study support that the stock market  income (e.g., Developed Markets, Frontier Markets). A 'national' index represents the performance of the stock market of a given nation—and by proxy, reflects  This study examined the impact of the Nigerian Stock market development on the nation's economic growth from 1985 to 2014. The economic growth was proxy  Nurudeen, Abu (2009): Does Stock Market Development Raise Economic real GDP as a proxy of economic growth; while the proxies for the stock exchange 

A market proxy is a purely theoretical representation and cannot fully reflect the entire range of price movements for all market sectors. For instance, the Dow Jones Industrial Average only serves as an accurate market proxy for gauging the average performance of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow. A portfolio with a wide range of stocks and other assets would require a more sophisticated market proxy.

He used real GDP per capital as proxy of economic growth and market capitalization of Nepal stock exchange (NEPSE) as proxy of stock market development. His  growth using Nigerian data on GDP (proxy for economic growth), market capitalization ratio, value traded ratio and stock market turnover ratio (proxies for capital  The present study is an effort to establish the empirical relationship between stock market development and economic growth in Pakistan. Three proxies namely  growth, and market capitalization ratio (MCR) is used as a proxy for stock market development. The results of this study support that the stock market  income (e.g., Developed Markets, Frontier Markets). A 'national' index represents the performance of the stock market of a given nation—and by proxy, reflects  This study examined the impact of the Nigerian Stock market development on the nation's economic growth from 1985 to 2014. The economic growth was proxy 

21 May 2019 Therefore, this study examined the impact of capital market performance indicators on the economic development of SSA using HDI as a proxy 

evolution of stock exchanges in the African region, while section 4 describes the main stock market development and economic growth proxies which will be  9 Dec 2013 tested the nature and direction of the causality between economic growth proxy by the real GDP growth rate and stock market development  The stock market capitalization ratio was used as a proxy for market size while value traded ratio and turnover ratio were used as proxy for market liquidity. The  

It employs a wide range of vector autoregression (VAR) models to evaluate the importance and impact of stock market development on economic growth. We used real GDP growth rates as a proxy for economic growth and the stock market index (SMI) as a proxy for the stock market development.

Most studies advocate that the development of a stock market is influenced by a Despite the limitation of the definition, this variable was chosen as a proxy of  13 Mar 2019 As a proxy of capital flow, in this study, we considered total foreign investment in the economy, which includes in the form of direct investment well 

tion contains a discussion of the tests for cointegration between stock market indicators, real sector performance, a proxy for financial liberalization and.